Saturday, March 5, 2016

before first class task

1. Own Artwork
This is my most recent oil painting of the 12 Apostles of Australia, based on a photograph I selected from a book. It's not a complete representation of the original photograph since the colour palette was, to me, very limited. It was a sunset scene however the sky was of my own creation, based on other sunsets I have seen with more colours and traces of clouds. The sea was my dedication to the Impressionists, my favourite group of artists, and is an attempt to capture light through short yet colourful brush strokes.

2.Image of a great architecture
To me this is the only architecture that not only enhanced itself but its surroundings; a faithful yet original representation of rocks, water and everything organic. I may not know a lot about the architecture nor the architect but at first glance this house has made a great impression that I never forget. Despite the house has a very limited colour palette (light ochre for concrete and Cherokee red for the steel) it still looks very beautiful as its the perfect match to the surrounding green.
3. An Original Photograph

This isn't the most original or the most beautiful photograph of mine but when taking this picture I've made an interesting choice. This was taken at sunset on Alishan Mountain of Taiwan and seas of clouds emerged. At first I wanted to make a nearby mountain as the subject, with the peak piercing through the clouds. However I changed my choice and decided to take a photograph straight at the horizon because I love the scene where you see it yet you don't; the feeling there's something out there but you can't get a grasp on it. Where forms break down and all you are left are beautiful shades of colours.

4. Description of creative works
a)Jeff Wright
Mayfly, zip, cartoonish

Tempest, persist, delicate

c) Pasi Petanan
Igloo, heating, damp


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